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Download his Act 1 here:


Voice Bank Details

Optimal Range- A#3-D#3

Optimal Flags- Y0H0C100g8(Default) BRE0Y99C99H0h0c99B0b0F1L1(Fresamp)


Voice style- Deep yet boyish


Voice Bank Type-  CV Hiragana only

Language- Japanese (some English L sounds and endings for clearer Engrish)


Note- He was recorded using a computer mic, so some of his samples may be lower quality. I am planning on releasing an Act 2 using a mic that I recently bought.

Terms & Conditions

Do not under any circumstance use him image to promote hate speech and or your political views.


He's a fictional character and she isn't to be used for real life opinions and views.


No derivatives of his voice may be distributed or made without my approval.

18+ artworks are prohibited to be shown to minors. Mature content filters and warnings must be placed beforehand. Other than that, you may draw any sort of art with him.

Joke art is allowed as well. As long as it is done in a tasteful manner. (Not to bully.)

Please credit 1000Midnights and link when you use his voice.

Editing his oto for a song is completely fine. Editing his oto in general is, too. But, do not distribute it without my permission.

Saito was created by 1000Midnights/1kMidnights.

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